Michigan Summer Swimming Safety Tips

Every year, Michigan sees its share of drowning accidents. Sadly, most could have been prevented had some basic safety precautions been observed. Michigan is home to hundreds of summer camps, campgrounds and bodies of water. I attended and worked at several camps. Our children have attended various sports, scout and religious camps. As a family, we have stayed at many campgrounds around the state.  Michigan Summer Swimming Safety Tips

Ways Save Money on Back to School Shopping in Detroit

Written for back to school shoppers in Detroit and the metro area, this article has school shopping cost cutter tips for parents in other Michigan cities, too. According to the Detroit News, shoppers will spend an average $688 per child on back-to-school purchases. Several organizations in Detroit are hosting back-to-school giveaway events to help defray expenses for parents. Here's a list of school supplies giveaways and back-to-school festivals. Read more at Ways to Save Money on Back to School Shopping
