Easy, Green Earth Day Bucket Gardens

Earth Day, spring planting, summer produce--those conjure up happy green images. Do you love to garden but find yourself cursed with poor soil or a small yard? Or maybe you're one of those unfortunate apartment-dwelling green thumbs. Either way, it seems impossible to reconcile a love of gardening with a lack of basic garden essentials. You could join a community garden. In Michigan, these are flourishing (pun intended). We own our own home, but are joining a community garden in town because we love the concept (and our sumac has wreaked havoc with our soil). YIf you don't have a local community garden, start one. Or try this simple idea. You can have a produce, herb or flower garden right on your patio, deck or porch with bucket gardens. Read on  Easy, Green Earth Day Gardens

Hurrah, Hurrah for Detroit Tigers Opening Day

Pranksters may have anticipated April Fool's Day, but buzz here was Detroit Tigers Opening Day, March 31. And that's no joke, especially for winter-beleaguered locals. As if to say "hurrah, hurrah! Opening Day," Mother Nature is blessing Michigan with the first mid-to-high 50s temps in months. Spring weather bodes very well for Tigers and fans, says the Detroit Free Press.  Hurrah, Hurrah for Detroit Tigers Opening Day
